Friday, March 5, 2010

Helmet Mounted Cameras

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Helmet Mounted Cameras  Helmet Mounted Cameras

Helmet Mounted Cameras
Welcome and thanks for visiting our site about helmets if this is your first visit you can bookmark using ctrl+d to remember our site. You are looking for Helmet Mounted Cameras. Helmet Mounted Cameras - : Helmet Mounted Action Camera. For IPSC Videos, I'm looking for something which combines the utility and economy of THIS.with the style and class of this! Labels: Just For Fun, USPSA General · Stumble Upon Toolbar Stumble It!
Cogito Ergo Geek: Helmet Mounted Action Camera: Gustafson designed a helmet-mounted 4x5-inch film camera, and during the period of several months he made one photograph per jump while skydiving at speeds greater than 130 miles per hour. “There is a long history between photography
Chase Jarvis Blog: Creative Advice From Carl Jung: The helmet mounted camera is not a new idea, but if you have ever looked into getting one you realise soon enough that they are kind of pricey. As are the mounts for camcorders to a helmet (or you could use gaffer tape).

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